Writer: Fredric Hobbs
Producers: Robert Bremson, Fredric Hobbs, E. Prentice Welles, and Stephen Williams
Editor: Richard Brummer
Cinematography: William Heick
Music: Henri Price
Starring: Christopher Brooks, Stuart Lancaster, E. Kerrigan Prescott, Peggy Browne, Richard Marion, and Karen Ingenthron
Runtime: 1 hour 29 minutes
Rating: Not Rated (Comparable to PG)
Genre: Western, Horror
Release Date: 1973 (no date given)
Intro: I've recently gotten into Reddit. One of the subreddits I follow is r/badmovies (upon finding it, I exclaimed, "my people!"). I found Godmonster of Indian Flats because somebody posted a link to the full movie and the comments all said it was hilariously bad. So, I decided to give this one a shot. I... just don't really know what to make of it. Godmonster of Indian Flats misfires just about everywhere and has a completely incomprehensible storyline that culminates in a nonsensical, yet unbelievable ending and a hilarious monster, a giant mutant sheep.
Plot: The plot is so complicated and nonsensical. I'm going to try my best to highlight it. In an old west mining town and tourist trap in Nevada, an African American businessman from the east named Barnstable (Brooks) comes to the town hoping to buy the mines and get them up and running again, but meets a lot of opposition from the locals. Meanwhile, a local sheep farmer wakes up from hallucinations to find a mutant sheep embryo that suddenly appears next to him. He takes it to a laboratory to be experimented on it as it grows into a hellbeast.
Things People May Find
“Objectionable”: There's some very mild swearing and a little bit of blood, but nothing too bad. I mean, it was made for TV in the 70s, so they couldn't show much.
What wasn't Horrible:
-Humor: None to speak of in the way of intentional humor. Unintentional humor comes from the ridiculousness of the monster and laughing at just how poorly done everything is. I mean, this movie even fails to tell its story. That's saying something.
-Script: The script wasn't horrible, but it was pretty bland. I really can't say too much about it one way or another.
-Directing/Cinematography: The shots were all fairly static and boring. Also, there were hardly any close-ups at all. It made things rather boring to look at.
-Acting: I'm currently drinking a glass of water. That glass of water, when I put it down, sits on a wooden table. Why am I telling you this? Because I think that table is less wooden than most of the actors' performances. The guy who plays the main character (can we call him that with all the storylines?) Barnstable is actually not bad, but the supporting cast really isn't great.
Yes, that's the monster in the background. |
-Originality: Godmonster of Indian Flats was extremely original. However, in this case, this was not a good thing. There's a reason nobody makes movies about a killer mutant sheep. It's because it's a stupid idea!!!!
What was Bad:
-Story: There is one main problem with the story: IT MAKES NO GODDAMN SENSE!!!!!!! I ended up yelling the word "what?" at my TV so many times during this thing. Is it that hard to tell a cohesive story, guys?! For as stupid as the story as Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter had, at least they told it in a way that makes sense. This thing could've used way more plot exposition. Nothing is really explained and it's all sort of a guessing game at times as to what is happening. I've made it through Memento, Inception, and Primer, so believe me when I say this is far and away the most confusing movie I have ever seen. If you can understand this movie, you are a freaking genius.
-The Ending: I really don't have the slightest idea what happened at the end of the movie. There's just this unbelievable and seemingly random sequence of events that seems like it would only make sense if you were on a lot of LSD. It kind of needs to be seen to be believed. It'll leave you shocked, astonished, and scratching your head. It is as astonishing as it is incomprehensible.
-Characters/Emotional Involvement: I really didn't care about any of the characters, and in the end, it didn't matter for the most part who they were and what their relationships with one another were. The filmmakers just wasted a lot of time developing a lot of the characters. This technique is also called padding.
Think of this sign as being at the North Pole and Godmonster of Indian Flats as the rest of the world, where all the signs are pointing. |
-Action/Suspense: The movie is pretty boring for a while until the monster shows up. You just kind of have to get through the first hour of the movie to get to the worthwhile part, which is the last half hour or so.
-Special Effects: With only a budget of $135,000, you can only guess the quality. Other than the monster, which was spectacularly bad and hilarious, there wasn't much. The monster. Oh man, was it unique or what? I mean, it's a giant mutant sheep that is blatantly a guy in a suit. It even stands on two legs. What sheep, even a mutant hellbest version of one, does that?!? The monster was probably the most entertaining part of the movie.
The Verdict: Godmonster of Indian Flats is a complete and utter mess. Just about everything misfires and it leaves the viewer scratching his or her head just trying to understand what is going on. I've never taken LSD or any other hallucinogen, but I have a feeling that watching this movie gives you a pretty good idea as to what they are like. This one is just so unbelievably bad and will leave your head full of questions that really can't be answered. This movie just kind of has to be seen to be believed just because of its across the board failure and astonishing ending. If you're a b-movie fan, give this one a shot. It takes some patience, but then ending makes up for it and you really won't believe your eyes.
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